This is where you’ll find our thoughts about recent (and not) astronomy, earth science and other science news, our answers to questions we get from people a lot, plus whatever else strikes our fancy. Sometimes we get into a few of the mathematical or scientific details, but never too deeply.

You have probably heard of dark matter- which is different from dark energy - but do you know what it is or why scientists think it exists?

Why Do Astronomers Think There is Dark Matter?

Astronomers often speak of dark matter and dark energy, terms that are confusing for the public and not very descriptive. In brief, both are invisible substances, meaning that they do not interact with any type of light, from radio to gamma-rays, and their existence is only inferred because of the effect they have on the motion of material that we can see. Here we will look at the evidence for dark matter, as well as the ideas scientist have postulated for what it might be. The dark energy will be the subject of another posting.

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